Create one or more isovists at particular points, given angle and field of view
- boundaryMap
A ShapeMap with lines designating the isovist boundaries
- x
X coordinate of the origin points
- y
Y coordinate of the origin points
- angle
The angle (from the X axis) of the isovist look direction
- viewAngle
The angle signifying the isovist's field of view
- verbose
Optional. Show more information of the process.
mifFile <- system.file(
"extdata", "testdata", "simple",
package = "alcyon"
sfMap <- st_read(mifFile,
geometry_column = 1L, quiet = TRUE
shapeMap <- as(sfMap[, vector()], "ShapeMap")
x = c(3.01, 1.3),
y = c(6.70, 5.2),
angle = 0.01,
viewAngle = 3.14,
#> Simple feature collection with 2 features and 9 fields
#> Geometry type: POLYGON
#> Dimension: XY
#> Bounding box: xmin: 1.888668 ymin: 1.544019 xmax: 7.89713 ymax: 6.908548
#> CRS: NA
#> Isovist Area Isovist Compactness Isovist Drift Angle Isovist Drift Magnitude
#> 1 1.665612e+01 4.293649e-01 311.8469 2.771847
#> 2 -1.776357e-15 -1.951463e-16 253.0725 9.616652
#> Isovist Max Radial Isovist Min Radial Isovist Occlusivity Isovist Perimeter
#> 1 6.002915 0.0000000 7.716775 22.07896
#> 2 3.686368 0.5886679 5.347612 10.69522
#> Ref geometry
#> 1 0 POLYGON ((7.8825 6.908548, ...
#> 2 1 POLYGON ((1.888668 6.908548...